1 : 1 C O A C H I N G

A 3 M O N T H 1 : 1 E X P E R I E N C E

To allow you to fully step into yourself and your life

I see you…

I see you, busy rushing from one place to another, doing all the things. Replying (without real thought) “I’m OK!” in response to the question “How are you?”.

It’s just easier to say that sometimes isn’t it? It is easier to say it to others. It’s easier to say it to ourselves. 

But I am asking you now, really, how are you?

When did you last take a moment to just pause. To just breathe. To just slow down and step out of auto-pilot?

Now, I know, when you are in the thick of it, hearing “just slow down and breathe”, can not feel massively helpful. When you have all the things on the to-do list, when it feels like the weight is all on your shoulders. And in truth, all of those things will still be there.

BUT when you make intentional effort to pause the busy and bring a more mindful approach to life, the way you approach life changes. 

I see you because I was you…

Until I made a choice for things to be different. This is now what I am passionate about teaching.

When you become more mindful, you will have a better connection to yourself, your life and those around you. Living on auto-pilot leads us into patterns of overthinking and overwhelm, which has a negative impact on our wellbeing triggering our stress response.

It’s not our fault, our brains are built to work this way.

The good news, we can do something about it when we choose to.

When you bring mindful intention to your everyday this increases your self awareness, and shifts you away from a thinking-based way of being. Just like turning down the volume dial on distracting thoughts allowing you to feel calmer and more present in your life. Tech speak…You are reshaping the neural architecture of the brain meaning you have greater resilience to stress, improved cognitive functioning and enhanced emotional well-being. 

When life’s distractions, past or future thoughts or worries aren’t as loud this means YOU can take the driving seat on your life, choosing where to place your attention next. It is here healthy choices and shifts can be made, from a place of calm and clarity. This awareness is key as it offers the opportunity to reflect and change any old habits or limiting beliefs that may be keeping us stuck. Mindfulness is not a therapy, it’s a way of moving forward.

Mindful awareness allows you to move from overwhelm to joy, to living fully.

Mindfulness and compassion aren’t just “nice to haves” they are key components to your emotional and mental health.

I am here to guide you into how to bring these skills into your daily life with simplicity and ease.

It’s easy to feel trapped by life

Lets be honest sometimes life can feel dull. Like someone has turned down the brightness.

  • The boring mundane everyday tasks

  • The routines

  • The things to remember

  • The things to do

  • The things that need organising

It is easy to feel trapped by life, but with this underlying feeling that there must be more. More joy to be had in the everyday. Magic in the mundane.

You may be happy with your life, but perhaps just not enjoying it as much as you think you could.

  • Maybe that’s because you have lost connection, to yourself, to your friends, to the essence of you.

  • Perhaps motherhood has left you feeling not quite sure who you are beyond “mum” anymore.

  • Perhaps you even set out to do something different, something for you, but you never actually quite get round to it (or, most likely, when it comes to it you are just too exhausted!).

Seeking Joy in the Everyday &

finding yourself along the way

So I have one question for you..…

Do you want more out of life?

  • More time for yourself

  • More peaceful moments

  • More headspace

  • More joy 

  • More (gentle) control

  • More presence

  • More resilience

  • More self-kindness

  • More adventure 

  • More laughter

  • More [insert what you want in here - because it can be yours!]

You have pushed yourself to the side for too many years, now it’s time for you. It’s your turn.


A 3 M O N T H 1 : 1 E X P E R I E N C E

To allow you to fully step into yourself and your life

By the end of our time together you will have more awareness and more kindness for yourself than ever before which means you will show up in life with a different outlook that makes everything easier, more joyful.

You will feel happier, calmer and more confident in all aspects of your life. With more focus and clarity about yourself and how you want to be living your life, tuning into your values and what is important to you.

You will know what rest truly looks like for you and be equipped with tools and techniques that you will come back to again and again to support you in your everyday.

All of this means that you get to BE and LIVE the more that you desire to experience.

More presence. More connection. More self kindness. More energy. More headspace.  

You get to move out of autopilot and into enjoying the moments of life more.

There is an internal shift within you that ripples into your external world.

It is your time

What does this look like?

We work through 3 phases together as we go on this supported journey.




3 Months of support where I hold you in your discovery, fully guided, in this safe space with tools & techniques to help you

7 sessions, online between 60-90 minutes, with clear steps for you to take

Voice note access to me Tuesday - Friday 9:30am - 3pm so I can support you through this work

A personalised mindful toolkit to give you the tools you need as you need them - bespoke to where you are right now, developed as we move through the phases of transformation

Workbooks sent right to your doorstep, no need to print. That’s all taken care of.

Recordings of our calls so you can listen back at anytime in the future


24 months access to Press Pause wellbeing toolkit so you can access mindfulness, meditation audios, self kindness techniques and more to support you when life feels too much. Moving you from overwhelm to calm. With quarterly online community check in’s (starting at the end of our 3 months to best support your onwards journey. Worth £222).

The  journey we go on


Slowing down and gently guiding you to a place of calm. Pausing to unravel where you are right now and exploring your relationship with full rest in a supportive space without judgement. This is your space to be heard and understood. Perhaps you struggle to find time to rest, feel guilty over all the things you should be doing instead or maybe you are not even sure how to rest anymore. That’s okay, I’m here to support you through, this is where rest gets to feel good.

We will delve deep to uncover the power of self-awareness. Gaining the clarity you will have a better connection to yourself, your wellbeing and your life. Imagine life feeling more spacious, living at a pace that feels right for you. Knowing with clarity and confidence what it is you need to support yourself in each and every moment. Setting healthy boundaries, ditching distractions so you are able to protect your time and energy in a world intent on stealing it.



When you have a better connection to your inner world and can prioritise what truly matters, life becomes easier and more joyful. You will have the awareness to meet yourself with kindness and dial down the inner critic, say farewell to talking to yourself harshly. This is where you get to rise with confidence and contentment, Stepping into life with intention, aligned to your values with more ease, more gentle control and a new inner calmness.

What to expect during our 3 months together?

Outside of our coaching calls, I will share actions to take to further support your journey.  This will include journaling exercises, mindful breathing, mindfulness practices and some written exercises. To gain the most out of your transformation I recommend allowing yourself around 30 mins per day / 3.5 hours a week. If you have more time, even better.

This won’t feel like homework, view this as time for YOU, something to look forward to. Grab those cosies, light the candles. This is your permission to pause, get to know yourself on a deeper level and dose yourself in kindness.

If you feel that setting, or sticking to, a routine is something you are worried about we can make sure we find a way that works for you because it is really important that you take the time to do this work if you want to see the shifts.

Your Investment

Pay in full £1,500


3 x monthly payments of £500

If you would like to incorporate some in-person sessions into the programme then we can do that

Instead of 7 online sessions you get 5 online sessions and 3 hour in-person sessions plus nature walk at a stunning peaceful rural farmhouse in Henfield, East Sussex (13miles from Brighton).

Pay in full £1,750


3 x monthly payments of £583

Are you ready to rise?

So, what happens next?

If you know that this is for you, you can click through to make payment and I will send you an email to book our first session in and walk you through the next steps.

If you would like to have a chat to make sure this is right for you, then book a connection call below.

This is not about changing the external, this is about

changing the internal that impacts the external.

My desire is for this to be a nourishing, safe and supportive space for you to come into.

A space that you look forward to being in, that feels comforting and expansive.

This is not about adding something else on top of the ever growing to do list.

This is about you showing up for yourself so that you can step into your life and experience more.